Hotel DND Panel Online

DND Panels

DND Panel

The DND Panel is a sophisticated and effective hallway panel made to provide privacy and comfort for visitors. Its perfect brass frame gives an air of refinement and blends in perfectly with upscale settings. The call button provides a convenient means for guests to convey their requirements directly to personnel, while the touch bell function enables visitors to quietly warn residents without disturbing them.

The indicator panel guarantees proper conversation between guests and hotel staff by just a click and then the clear display of things like "Make Up Room" and "Do Not Disturb". This panel offers an easy & modest solution to meet the needs of new-age hospitality with the ideal fusion of fashion and technology. The DND Panel adds flair and practicality to any space, whether it's a luxurious workplace or a hotel room, improving the occupants entire experience while preserving their privacy and comfort.

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